Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Social Security is a scam

 Ever heard of a Ponzi-scheme? Charles Ponzi was a man from New England who convinced thousands of locals to invest in a postage stamp pyramid scheme. He took investments and promised huge returns. He made a million dollars in a few hours from initial investors. The idea was that he could pay those returns by using the cash from future investors, whose returns could be paid by yet newer investors. You know..... the good old "rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul" stuff. Eventually, there are no new investors, and the people at the end of the investment chain get screwed. But who cares, since Ponzi had already made off with all that money. The SEC says it's quite illegal, nowadays. The Social Security system is a giant Pozi scheme. It takes from you now, promising you a big return later. In the meantime, it uses your investment to pay off old return promises that have come due. 
 Today, we can see the coming collapse of Social Security. We can predict the point where new investors will stop coming in, or at least the dues will be far higher than the collections. But who cares if you're FDR? You've already made off with your fame and supposed service to the needy retirees, and screw the people at the end of the chain.
 It's sad to me that people still insist today on pretending Social Security is something other than this. "Reform!! It just needs reform!!" What is needs is for it to be thrown back under the rock that it came from, and it's authors need to be called out for they really are. The same as Ponzi was. A cheat. As long as we pretend we can save the system from the fallout, we doom ourselves to invest in the same false trap of future pay-off. We're still buying stamps -- even though Ponzi has been exposed.
 Oh, and while we're on the topic.... how did the government get authority to do this whole thing again?? I didn't remember an amendment about this....

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